Project 52 – Week 25: Magazine Ad

We are half-way through our Project 52!!!  I have to admit…I’m rather proud for having hung on this whole time.  I think I’ve missed one week so far which is great for me.  My last attempt was a Project 365 and it ended rather early, so YAY me!  🙂  This week’s theme was a tough one.  We were supposed to do this one a few weeks ago but everyone was having a hard time and we pushed it off a few weeks.  It was still a challenge but I am glad to say I finished.

We had to use some sort of an ad or image for inspiration.  I wasn’t having much luck with the magazines I had at home, so I headed over to Pinterest which never disappoints in the inspiration department!  If you haven’t been over to MUST.  I could get lost there for hours and hours.  So much eye candy!

I ended up finding this image which I loved.  Not sure if it’s an actual ad or just someone’s image. Either way…loved it.

And an image of my twirly girl.  🙂

Orlando child photographer

Now head on over to Haley’s blog to see what she came up with this week!   Denver Colorado – Haley Brooke Photography