Lincoln – 23 days | Orlando preemie photographer

As you may have seen me mention many times before, newborn portraits are best done during those first 2 weeks of life.  This is when babies are still super sleepy and easily molded into those womb-like positions.  Once babies get a bit older, they are more alert and baby acne and colic tend to make appearances.  That being said, there are instances when we can push past that 2 week window.  Having photographed so many newborns, I have my own tricks to getting those sleepy shots even past the preferred 2 weeks.  And if baby was born prematurely we can sometimes push that even further.  This was the case with sweet Lincoln.  🙂  His mom contacted me right as he was being released from the NICU.  He arrived a whole 6 weeks early, surprising everyone! I was able to squeeze them into my schedule and we did his newborn portrait session when he was 23 days old.  He did AMAZING!  He was so tiny and still super sleepy for me.  It was such an honor to capture this special time for his family.

newborn baby boy cozy in a basket



orlando preemie photographer



preemie baby boy wrapped up in blue