Lake Mary newborn photography | Little fox

Facebook has made us all so connected.  It is always fun when someone who lives in another town (who I met through Facebook) refers their friends in Orlando to me.  My friend Tanya owns Tanya’s Tangles and sells some of my favorite newborn props.  Check out her Facebook page to see all the cuteness!  She lives over in Brevard County and one of these days we will get together for coffee.  🙂  Thanks for the referral Tanya!

This little fox was sooo very good to me.  I don’t think I heard him cry until we were almost done and he was ready to eat.   He then proceeded to go right back to sleep after he ate.  I had so much fun with him (and used some of Tanya’s cute items) and can’t wait to share all of his images with his mom.  🙂  For now, here are just a couple of my favorites….

lake mary newborn photography


Lake Mary, FL newborn photographyPashley-043-web